Every four years, the Olympic Games provides the ultimate platform for the world’s best athletes to showcase their abilities and reap the rewards of years of hard work, and dedication. Being a part of that magic, experiencing the highs and the lows, and witnessing incredible acts of human spirit makes for a momentous occasion, unrivalled by any other sports event.

But what exactly makes the games so unique? Check out the following reasons why attending the next Olympic Games should be at the very pinnacle of your bucket list.

Simply, Tokyo

Exploring Japan’s pulsating capital should be a priority for any traveller, even without the promise of the upcoming 2020 Olympics, providing the perfect excuse to head east.

As each host nation invests enormous amounts of time, energy and money into impressing every spectator, visiting during the games allows you to not only see the best of the city but also experience all the accompanying cultural activities and events.

Diversity Rules

An epic 207 different nations competed at Rio’s 2016 Summer Olympics. This relates to a level of diversity unseen at rival sports competitions, such as at the last World Cup, which exhibited footballers from just 32 countries.

Meeting different people from all four corners of the globe is one of the event’s greatest joys, and sitting alongside various nationalities in the stadium adds to the atmosphere, and encourages shared respect and, surprisingly, a sense of unity.

Physical and Mental Excellence

Aside from the obvious draw of witnessing a sportsman or woman achieving unprecedented levels of stamina, power, speed and agility, the attraction of seeing an athlete give their all mentally is even more enthralling.

Once you have observed such endurance, and dedication, first-hand, it will definitely have a positive impact on your own life, making you believe you are capable of anything!

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