Golf is no longer the preserve of the retired or wealthy.

It’s an accessible sport that all can enjoy at any age or fitness level and a worthy addition to your bucket list.

Practice undoubtedly pays off, and each round provides fresh opportunities for improvement.

As a beginner to the game, your initial lessons will focus on learning the basics, and you don’t have to buy a full set of clubs or any specific clothing.


What to Expect at the Golf Club

There are thousands of golf facilities throughout the UK, all of which offer some level of professional instruction.

You will be advised what to wear, thin layers that you can add or remove are the best option, and flat, comfortable shoes are a necessity.

You will be introduced to the different types of clubs, and what each one is used for.

Learning the lingo of the golf course is a whole new skill on its own!

Setting up your Swing

One of the key elements to master is the swing, and your PGA instructor will teach you the necessary grip.

Next, you will be encouraged to perfect your position to aim the ball at the target. This will include your stance and posture, to ensure your body is in line with the ball.

The learning curve might seem steep at first, but that’s part of the excitement! You will get an immense amount of satisfaction as you move on from the basics.


The Benefits of Golf

Golf is certainly a social sport, allowing you to make friends and enjoy the after-game camaraderie in the clubhouse.

It can raise your activity levels and lower your stress; it really is a game for everybody.

Making golf a bucket list goal will give you a great sense of accomplishment.


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