Have you ever thought about writing a letter for future generations to read? The idea is that you write to people related (i.e. your direct descendants) or unknown and tell them about your life and the world as you see it today. Since you’ll never receive any response to such letter, why would you want to do it? Regardless, it can be a rewarding thing to do.

Gathering Your Thoughts

When you write to someone in the future, it’s a little like writing to yourself. The process of writing the letter makes you think about your life: the lessons you’ve learned, what it’s been like and the difficulties or good times you’ve faced. You’re likely to find it a cathartic experience as you reflect on your life and times.

Historic Value

Giving future generations insight into your life is an unselfish act. Perhaps you’ve heard of “time capsules”, which are collections of contemporary items placed in a container and concealed for descendants to open. A few years ago, Tate Britain in London was carrying out renovation work when a jovial note was uncovered. It was written by plasterers in 1897 to future generations.

When you write a letter to future generations, you can include your views on politics, social issues, environmental concerns or even small details about your life. The way we think is affected by the times we live in, so anything you write might be more useful than you imagine to an unborn historian.

Jot down your memories and any facts you care to share about your upbringing. Your connection to previous generations is also valuable.

Setting the Mood

You can write your letter casually and in good humour, or you can inject it with cynicism and regret. The style matters less than the content. If you feel disappointed about the world around you, then by all means, express it. Some people apologise for any shortcomings they perceive among the current generation. Describe your life and enjoy conquering time!

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