For both history enthusiasts and adventure seekers, hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is the ultimate bucket list experience.

It’s an iconic trek but will require some planning, and it’s not for the faint-hearted. But if you can conquer this challenge, you will be left with incredible memories.

A fabulous mix of breathtaking scenery, rich cultural history, and the thrill of walking in the footsteps of ancient Incan civilizations.

Hiking the Inca Trail

The first thing you need to be aware of is that you can’t hike the trail on your own. A permit is required, and only licensed Inca Trail tour companies can get these from the Peruvian government.

So, you will need to do your research into appropriate tour options. It’s possible to do the trail in as little as two days if you are an experienced hiker, but four days is probably a better choice, as it’s approximately 25 miles. Typically, you will camp overnight, or lodgings along the way may be provided.


Ideal Visiting Times

The most popular times to visit Macchu Picchu are May to August, and these dates are very much in demand. With limited numbers allowed, be prepared to book three to six months in advance.

You may also wish to spend a couple of days in the city of Cuzco first, to acclimatise yourself to the high altitude. The weather is invariably changeable and temperatures can be quite chilly at night, so bring suitable layers of clothing.

As you approach Machu Picchu, the potentially sore muscles will soon be forgotten! Arriving at the Sun Gate at dawn, with the mist lifting to reveal the majestic ruins below, is a moment of awe and wonder. The challenging but rewarding Inca Trail is an intrepid trip to add to your bucket list.



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