Most people have an amazing family holiday sitting somewhere on their bucket list, but what many people tend to forget is how they’ll remind themselves of the great times they had after they return home.

Making a holiday scrapbook is a great way of doing this. You can either fill it up while you’re on holiday (we’d highly recommend doing this) or collect things during your trip and put it all together once you’ve returned home.

Getting Started

If you’ve never put together a physical scrapbook before, then there are plenty of sites that will explain how to go about it. Just as important as the physical product, however, is the thought you put into what will go in.

Photos are one obvious choice but it’s sometimes the less obvious bits of travelling paraphernalia that can spark memories and conversations long after you and your family have returned home.

Consider adding boarding card stubs, restaurant receipts, bus tickets, leaflets about attractions, a postcard or two, or even some shells from the beach.

All of these can help to evoke memories of a certain moment or time from your trip that may well otherwise be forgotten entirely.

Getting Others Involved

Finally, make sure that everyone on your trip contributes to the scrapbook. Every person on a holiday takes their own memories and experiences away from it, and your scrapbook will be a far richer record of the time you had and the things you did together if more people are able to contribute.

This is especially true if you’re taking kids with you on your trip – they may not be too keen on the idea now (scrapbooks are never going to be cool) but they’re certain to value the record and memories that they have created once they are a little older.

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