There are some incredible cuisines in the world with unique tastes and flavours, and learning to cook some of them can be very satisfying. One of the most popular is Thai food.

If learning to cook Thai food is on your bucket list, it is surprisingly easy to start. The two main options are to teach yourself from either a cookery book or an online video, or to attend classes.


Teach Yourself Thai Food Cookery

An accessible website with a reputation for high-quality courses is Udemy. Although not free, it is quite affordable, and you get the benefit of a tutor. You have access to the useful video at any time.

You can learn to cook the delights of Tom Yum Goong, which is the national dish of Thailand.

There are also dozens of videos on YouTube. If you take your tablet or laptop to the kitchen, you can actually follow along and take each step as you are shown.

Cookery books are another option, but many people are visual learners and prefer to watch lessons.


Take a Cookery Class

Adult education covers a huge variety of subjects and cookery is just one of them. Check out your nearest college or university to check what is available. This is a friendly way to learn as you will meet other people who share your interest in Thai food.

You can also find individuals, usually, Thai citizens, who offer classes in their home, which gives you a taste of the culture of the country as well.

Of course, for the ultimate experience, you could take a holiday in Thailand, and enrol in a cooking class while you are there.

So, this is one of the more manageable tasks to tick off your bucket list and will give you a new skill for life, which your friends and family will appreciate.




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