There is nothing quite like getting lost in a book.

Research shows that reading not only increases your vocabulary and sharpens your mind, but it also reduces stress, helps you sleep better and contributes to overall well-being. Yet, despite these benefits, discarding a book in favour of Netflix or hours spent scrolling through Instagram has become all too easy.

Why not set yourself a challenge to lure more literature into your life? Reading one classic novel per week may seem like a daunting task, especially when many of us struggle to find even five minutes of free time. But bucket lists are meant to be challenging, and the rewards far outweigh the effort. Here’s how to kick off your classics campaign.

Where to Start?

You will find countless online collections of the world’s most adored classics. From old-school greats, such as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, to more recent masterpieces, including Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Salman Rushdie’s Midnight Children, the first step is to make a list of the novels you fancy.

Explore a variety of genres and authors. Then dust off your bookshelves, head to the library or ask friends to help you out.

There’s no need to arm yourself with 52 books for the year ahead. Start small, for example, set out six classics for the summer holidays and go from there.

How to Find the Time?

This is probably the biggest stumbling block to such a challenge. After a busy day working, raising children, investing in social activities, etc., collapsing on the sofa in front of a screen sounds like heaven. In that case, why not head up to bed an hour or even 30 minutes earlier to settle down with a few chapters?

Or if you’re too tired by then, try reading 20 pages each morning as soon as you wake up. And if you’re not enjoying a particular classic, find another! Life’s too short to waste on books that fail to ignite your love of literature.


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