Celebrating a big occasion, whether it be a birthday, anniversary or something else entirely, being together as a family is an item on many people’s lists of. Unfortunately, it’s also one of those things that many of us just don’t get around to doing. Time spent with the people we love is the most precious time of all and it can be difficult to get all of these people into one room.

The key to planning a special birthday celebration that happens is not to make your plans to ambitious. What matters at a family party is the people who come and the time that you get to spend together. Quality is definitely prioritized over quantity. Make some simple party nibbles, put on a barbecue and invite the people you want to see.

Getting Organised

Of course, if you’re certain that your organisational skills are up to it and that everyone else will want to come, it’s possible to put a far more elaborate plan together. Going away somewhere as a family is an excellent choice. Not only will you get to visit somewhere new, but it’ll also mean that the pressure of hosting the party isn’t placed on one member of the family and that the tasks are spread more evenly.

What’s Really Important

Twenty years from now, you’re unlikely to remember what your neighbours and other friends thought when you told them about your plans for a family gathering. What will stick in your mind is the conversations you had and the memories you made.

“Make sure you don’t succumb to the pressure to do something big and expensive just to impress other people.”

As a bonus, consider hiring a local photographer to come along and document the day. They’ll leave you free to enjoy the atmosphere and the presence of your family without getting your phone out to take a snapshot every few minutes.

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