If you enjoy reading and would like to set yourself a challenge, then working your way through the top 100 must-read books will make a great addition to your bucket list.

However, you will need an open mind and perhaps be prepared to tackle a genre that you are not familiar with. Surprisingly, your first task will be deciding which list to use, as there are several of them.

Some of the lists include ancient classics that are more difficult to read, so you may wish to choose one that focuses on more recent literature.


How to Find the Books

If you were to purchase all of the books on the list, it might become a little expensive. It could even be challenging to find some of them, as they may be out of print. If you own an e-reader, you can use the search facility to find particular books. You can even join a virtual library and borrow books. Your local library is also one of the best places to start.

If necessary, you could check out online auction sites and buy the books at a low cost.

What will be on the list?

No matter which list you have chosen to follow, there will be some books that are seen as must-read classics. These include : The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald, Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkein, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D Salinger, A Confederancy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, and 1984 by George Orwell.

If you were to follow a more current list, you might expect to find Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald, Rabbit at Rest by John Updike and The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx.

Working your way through the top 100 must-read books is a worthwhile challenge to have on your bucket list. You may discover a new favourite author or enjoy re-visiting books from your past.

Please note that these lists are always subjective, so please feel free to create your own list!



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