Trying acupuncture may seem an odd challenge to add to your bucket list, but if you are suffering from long-term health problems, it is definitely a therapy to consider.

It is typically used to treat pain but can also be beneficial for hormonal imbalances, migraines and stress. This traditional, ancient Chinese practice involves the use of thin needles inserted into various areas of your body, with the intention of balancing your energy path.


Is Acupuncture Safe?

Admittedly, the thought of having several needles sticking out of your body is somewhat worrying.

However, it is not particularly painful, as the needles are so thin, with perhaps only a quick twinge of pain as they are inserted.

There are very few risks, but if you are taking a blood thinner, you will need to inform your practitioner.

You will need to find an appropriately licensed and certified acupuncturist who will question you carefully on your medical history. In the UK, there is actually no statutory regulation of acupuncture, but you can consult the Professional Standards Authority, which holds an accredited register of acupuncturists. Alternatively, your GP practice may offer this service.


How Does Acupuncture Work?

The purpose of modern acupuncture is to stimulate your muscles and nerves, which results in the production of endorphins in the body. These natural substances offer relief from pain, particularly in the joints, and acupuncture is often used for musculoskeletal problems.

Sessions typically last up to an hour, and single-use needles will be inserted, with you either sitting up or lying down. Once the needles are in place, you will need to remain still for up to 30 minutes.

If you are in pain through a long-standing health problem, then adding acupuncture to your bucket list is a reasonable idea and could offer you some relief.


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