FeaturedFitness & Health Achieve NAM’s goal to drink 125oz of water per day Did you know that the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) would like us all to drink more water each day? They recommend that most people…Paul CleworthDecember 4, 2020
FeaturedFitness & Health Complete The Couch To 5K Challenge Have you always wanted to run 5k, but have not succeeded for one reason or another? Jump on board with thousands of UK citizens trying…philtealeOctober 15, 2020
Fitness & Health Establish A Healthy Work-Life Balance Have you always wondered how some people seem to make the work-life balance seem so easy? Do you want the same but struggle to make…Paul CleworthOctober 12, 2020
FeaturedFitness & Health Create Your Perfect Home Gym Exercise is a crucial element to your overall health and well-being, and going to the gym is a necessity for many people. As pleasurable as…Paul CleworthJune 24, 2020
Fitness & Health Go Vegan for one Month There are several good reasons for going vegan in the long term, so why not try it for a month? If you've been tempted in…philtealeAugust 16, 2019
Fitness & Health Diets, diets and more diets… which is the right one for me? So, January is now well and truly over for another year. You’ve probably indulged yourself too much during the Christmas break eating far too much…philtealeFebruary 13, 2019
Fitness & Health Run a 5k Race If you have led an inactive life for a few years, and aren’t as fit as you’d like to be, working up to a 5K…philtealeSeptember 18, 2018
Fitness & Health Cycle Across San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge If you’re visiting San Francisco, and want to create a great memory, try cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge is 1.7 miles long,…philtealeSeptember 18, 2018
Fitness & Health Take a Hike on a Weekly Basis If you've been feeling a bit on the lazy side, wanting to get up off that sofa and do something with your life, hiking in…philtealeSeptember 17, 2018
Fitness & Health Become a Zumba Master Since its debut around 18 years ago, Zumba has quickly turned into one of the most popular styles of healthy exercise. The combination of fast-paced…philtealeSeptember 5, 2018